
Revues internationales

Année 2002

BOEMARE N. 2002. Interactions between the partners of the entomopathogenic bacterium nematode complexes, Steinernema-Xenorhabdus and Heterorhabditis - Photorhabdus. Nematol. 4:601-603.

BRILLARD J, DUCHAUD E, BOEMARE N, KUNST F, GIVAUDAN A. 2002. The PhlA hemolysin from the entomopathogenic bacterium Photorhabdus luminescens belongs to the two-partner secretion family of hemolysins. J Bacteriol. 184:3871-3878.

DERZELLE S, DUCHAUD E, KUNST F, DANCHIN A, BERTIN P. 2002. Identification, characterization, and regulation of a cluster of genes involved in carbapenem biosynthesis in Photorhabdus luminescens. Appl Environ Microbiol. 68:3780-3789.

DUVIC B, HOFFMANN JA, MEISTER M, ROYET J. 2002. Notch signalling controls lineage specification during Drosophila larval hematopoiesis. Curr Biol. 12:1923–1927.

GAUDRIAULT S, PAULIN J-P, BARNY M-A. 2002. The DspB/F protein of Erwinia amylovora is a type III secretion chaperone ensuring efficient intrabacterial production of the Hrp-secreted DspA/E pathogenicity factor. Mol Plant Pathol. 3:313-320.

LIGOXYGAKIS P, PELT, N, JI CH, LECLERC V, DUVIC B, BELVIN M, JIANG H, HOFFMANN JA, REICHHART J-M. 2002. A serpin mutant links Toll activation to melanization in the host defence of Drosophila. EMBO J. 23:6330-6337.